Ep.1 Data Structures and Algorithms with JS
I don't have officially a Computer Science degree.. But clearly nowadays you wont need a degree as engineer. You just need to be passionated to what you do and have that eager to learn and always evolve.
That being said I have been always trying to learn and evolve to be better on what I do which I'm passionate about so here's something else I'm improving.
Web applications has evolved to a much complex system and with that Developers/Engineers are being "forced" to solve problems (could be the other way around) applying concepts of Computer Science which before you would just see on systems/programs using languages such as C, C++, Java and so on.
What I want to do here it's not just help me improve/evolve my knowledge also share the basics of Data Structures and Algorithms exploring some concepts with Javascript where what kind of Data Structure is more efficient than other or when certain Algorithm perform better than others.
I'm not a Computer Scientist and this Series of posts wont be very advanced but I'm sure will be worthwhile.